
War Wounds

This is slightly off topic but still related to being crafty and all things crafty....war wounds.  Yup that's right...we all have them (heck i'll even count those wicked paper cuts from loading new paper in the printer...or grabbing a fax off the machine).

What makes War Wounds more annoying than painful is how stupid you feel for getting one! I mean heck most of the time you get one doing things you do All-The-Time so what were you doing this time that resulted in the: stab, cut, burn, etc.  I'll tell you...you were on auto pilot...zipping along on a task that is "so easy i can do it in my sleep" and WHAM...reality hits and you have just gotten...a War Wound.

Sometimes it is just a prick, or  results in just enough to give you pause about how you should really be more careful, and an hour later all is forgotten.  Other times, though, it can be more serious (although God willing it doesn't result in a trip to the emergency room and/or dr).

I find myself reflecting on war wounds...because well recently I have gotten a few.  Last week was a tad hectic...prepping for Little Man's 2nd Birthday Party, putting together orders, taking care of day to day life, etc.  So it would be normal that I get one (or maybe even two)...but I sit here typing with two fingernails that have been ripped just below the line, one that looks fine but hurts like a b!tch cause it got caught and bent back...leaving behind that oh so tender all over feeling to my finger tip...a throbbing finger from ragging a ton of totes and a few blankets with regular scissors (fear not i went out and got spring scissors after the pain set in), a nice 1 inch burn on the back of my hand and I take note...that maybe I should slow down a bit more (although i know that is probably not going to happen, i like to think though that staring at the nice red line on the back of my hand will at least allow me to accomplish slowing down for a week or so...one could hope, right?)

And while my fingernails will grow back, the bent one will feel better soon, and my sore finger will eventually stop reminding me that using regular scissors to rag was a big mistake (although the totes do look wicked cute!) I am staring at the red mark on the back of my hand thinking...hmm that one may stick around awhile.  It is showing the signs of turning into one of those pale marks over time...that when other people look at my hand they may never notice it...but I, I will always see it as my rush to get just one more think done before piling the kids out the door to our next adventure.

So take note, try to slow down now and again (i promise everything will still get done...eventually...lol) and find that one war wound that makes you remember why rushing around ended up taking you more time then if you had done it slow.  And heck if that doesn't work, rush around like a crazy person...get another wound to add to the tally and then spend a day or two admonishing yourself for "how stupid" you were for rushing and getting hurt.  Cause let's be honest...that's probably what I am more likely to do!

Happy Monday!  And Here's to our War Wounds...evidence of our battles (fought and mostly won) with our kids, cars, cooking, cleaning, crafts, putting together of toys...well you get the idea...

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