
Monster Mash

What a ghoul of a week! (more like a monster of one...lol)  This week was Monster-ific!  Must be tons of boys ready to have a Monster Mash of their own.  With party orders for Money Monsters along with a few stray orders for them as well...this week has been a....MONSTER ;-)

That's right I have been an assembly line Monster factory. Cutting.  Sewing. Adding Googley Eyes.  It has been a Monster good time. (i do have to note that i might have sniffed too many glue fumes at times...teeheehee). And I made it out alive with nary a Monster nibble to scar me! (whew! that was close!)

So I want know 2 things:
  1. What would you feed your Monster?
  2. And what would you Monster look like? (color, features, etc)
The Monsters I make are fun and not to complicated...so if you are feeling like a bit of a Monster, why don't you try your hand at them (you can make them to hold anything, just have what you want handy for measurements)

What you need:
  • Felt (whatever color(s) makes you happy)
  • Needle and Thread/Sewing Machine (or just glue)
  • Fabric Glue
  • Decorations (feathers, eyes, glitter, etc)
  • Imagination
Step 1 - Measure the item you plan to feed your Monster.
Step 2 - Cut your felt a bit bigger (for seam allowances)
Step 3 - If you are using a machine then pin your Monster where you want to sew and run it through the machine.  If hand sewing, try using thick funky thread for a different look and sew up your sides. (if you aren't sewing then run a small thin bead of glue and press the edges together)
Step 4 - Accessories.  Cut felt hair, or lips or teeth...add eyes...roll in glitter...color marker patterns on the felt...have FUN!
Step 5 (if you want a closure) - Glue velcro where you want it to stay shut...be sure to let that dry for 24 hours or so before feeding your monster (just to be safe)

Now go...and have a Monsterific Time! (and don't forget to check the fan page tomorrow for a Fabulous February Sale (to celebrate Valentines Day))

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