
Ahhh...I got Bit!

Yup, that's right, I've been bit...by the Monster Bug!  As in I took my own advice (you know the advice i gave you all at the end of my Monster Mash blog post) and instead of packing up my Monster making supplies...I decided to live on the edge and try something new...*gasp*...i know the horror...something NEW!

Tada! (and i do have to say they are rather cute and fun...and now i am addicted! lol)  These cute Monsters have a pocket mouth (except for the orange mini...his pocket is in the back) and are stuffed with just the right amount of filling to make them squishy and soft! The one pictured on the right my daughter helped me make...she declared it a Mini Lorelai Monster and insisted that it needed blue eyes and yellow piggy's.

These guys and gals make great friends!  They keep all your secrets, stash tiny stuff in theirs mouths and can even hold that recently lost tooth until the tooth fairy arrives (they are very good friends with the tooth fairy!)  Each one is unique and made with love!

So see what you can do when you just use a little imagination and the supplies you have handy!!!  (ok, i did have to dig out my bag of poly-fill so i guess that part wasn't handy...but it was here...)

If anyone else took the challenge to have fun with felt I would love if you shared your pics/stories!!

Have a fabulous weekend! And remember to find time to be creative!!!

PS - You can see the rest of the crew here.  With more being added in the next few days.  They are available to fans first and should hit my Etsy shop soon.

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